June News from The Little French Bakery

Happy June! 

First... There are only FOUR spaces left for the October 2016 trip. We'll travel with the group of twenty. Not too big, not too small.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the trip.  If you've always wanted to see Paris, and love food (and you must if you're reading this right now), we'll have great time exploring the sights and foods of Paris. 

It's time for fresh strawberry tarts!

It's time for fresh strawberry tarts!

One of the most exciting parts for me will be seeing the new Le Cordon Bleu Campus. We'll be one of the first groups to see the new classrooms, and a sneak peek in the kitchens.  Also, The Ritz has reopened.  We may be able to take a peek there too!


This could be your view!

This could be your view!

Spoonful Magazine will release the Spring/Summer issue any day. There's an article about The Little French Bakery & our life here in the country. You may also be interested in creating a gathering and submitting it to the magazine. The first issue came out in late January. It's a beautiful publication filled with great recipes and stores.  I'll have some copies here, and you can always order online at Spoonful Magazine.

Cooking Classes! There is an Eclair Class scheduled for July 9th.  In early July, I'll be releasing more dates and topics.  Check back then and register for late summer and fall classes. I promise we'll have a few more sessions of Macarons.  Any other topics you're interested in? This summer is busy with private classes.  Just email me if you're interested in setting up a class with family & friends. REGISTER HERE

Wait! Where' the recipe? Stay tuned... I need just a few more berries! 

Be safe & be kind,





